3 posts categorized "AR.Drone"


AR.Drone Indoor flight movie

Yesterday I uploaded my first AR.Drone flight movie at Presidio park. Some of people mentioned about the movie on twitter. I think a few of viewers have felt that we have to play AR.Drone as outdoor playing because my AR.Drone was widely flying in the park. But I would clearly say that it's by the strong wind. Today I have taken the movie in my house. AR. Drone is working well as indoor playing too. Fun!!

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My AR.Drone first flight

Yesterday I bought AR.Drone which is Wi-Fi helicopter that iPhone can controls. Today was a first day to play it. After Yoga class done I brought it to Presidio Park in San Francisco. Today's weather is really nice. I could see blue sky with comfortable temperature. But only problem is strong wind. My first flight became tough for me and my AR.Drone. Basically AR.Drone has own stabilizing facility from wind type of disturbance but the wind was too strong than it's capability.

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ジャジャーーン!買ってしまったAR.DroneGoogle I/Oでも実物を見ていたので買わないで我慢しようと思ってたのですが、結局買ってしまいました。USでは本日発売みたいで何げに購入一番乗り(?)

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